Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
We had big fun today! We all went to Caroline's house to take pictures and play and then came home to hand out candy. Thomas was exhausted when it was all said and done! He was a great sport about his costume....we're thinking he was so cute he'll wear it again tomorrow :-)

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
We had a great visit with both sets of grandparents. Thomas was in full performance mode for several days! He had so much fun entertaining everyone :-)
We are now in detox...trying to convince him that he doesn't need someone's attention every minute of his day - hahahaha! He's not in full agreement with us, but sometimes forgets to fight and plays alone.
We are now in detox...trying to convince him that he doesn't need someone's attention every minute of his day - hahahaha! He's not in full agreement with us, but sometimes forgets to fight and plays alone.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Visit to the Pediatrician
Height: 31.8 " (96th percentile)
Weight: 23.4 lbs. (60th percentile)
He got a great report - doing everything he should be doing!
Weight: 23.4 lbs. (60th percentile)
He got a great report - doing everything he should be doing!
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy Birthday!
We had a great Birthday! Tom had the day off from work for Fall Break so we all got to hang out together on a perfect fall day. This afternoon, Thomas had a little party with some of his friends and their parents so that we could all celebrate a great year. We all had a really good time and were pooped by the time the day had ended :-)

Sunday, October 19, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
A New Experience
We were out doing some errands today and decided that we would just have dinner out since we wouldn't make it home in time for any real cooking to happen. We ordered food for Thomas off the kids' menu...he ate chicken tenders and veggies and drank milk out of a cup with a straw. Too cool!
A Miracle?
Thomas was awake sometime before 6:30 this morning as usual, but today, unlike every other day of his life, he went back to sleep. AND SLEPT UNTIL 8:00 AM. If you listen carefully, you can still hear us cheering and you might just catch us doing a happy dance.
Friday, October 17, 2008
He's Walking!
Thomas started taking steps all on his own today! The most at once is 4 - hahaha! We thought it was so cute we made him do it over and over until he just flat out refused :-)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
"Talking" and "Walking"
Tom and Thomas are feeling better and I am on the road to recovery. Everywhere we go all the kids and their parents have this same cold....it's nasty :-)
We're having a good week -the weather has been really nice in the mornings so we've been able to get out and about more. Thomas is "talking" up a storm. He's trying to repeat the words we say and though he can't say them, it's hilarious to watch and listen to him try to say the words. He is still enamored with the playground in the park and can't wait until he can slide by himself. He's practicing walking and can get around holding only 1 finger now. He's still into everything he shouldn't be of course! Cords and the stereo buttons are incredibly tempting.
We are looking forward to Thomas' 1st on Monday...we'll have a few friends over and then celebrate with both sets of grandparents the following weekend. We can't wait!
We're having a good week -the weather has been really nice in the mornings so we've been able to get out and about more. Thomas is "talking" up a storm. He's trying to repeat the words we say and though he can't say them, it's hilarious to watch and listen to him try to say the words. He is still enamored with the playground in the park and can't wait until he can slide by himself. He's practicing walking and can get around holding only 1 finger now. He's still into everything he shouldn't be of course! Cords and the stereo buttons are incredibly tempting.
We are looking forward to Thomas' 1st on Monday...we'll have a few friends over and then celebrate with both sets of grandparents the following weekend. We can't wait!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Still sick but hanging in there!
We are not yet recovered from whatever crud has infested our bodies :-) Everyone is coughing and sneezing and blowing their noses. Well, except poor Thomas. He is constantly having his suctioned out. He's not at all impressed by how well I can do that now!
We're trying to transition him from the bottle to the cup and from baby food to more table food. He's not very impressed by the cup at all- hahaha! Just wait until he has to have milk instead of formula - oh boy! And we won't even talk about how much it gets on his nerves that I'm making him hold his cup. Mealtimes are not as quick and easy as they used to be. For food, he's doing okay. So far chicken pot pie and shepherd's pie are his favorites. Soup and vegetables for lunch and waffles for breakfast haven't been a big hit. He's ended up having yogurt those times to at least get some nutition. Given his size, though, we're not too worried about how much he eats - hahahaha.
He's still working on the 2 naps to 1 transition. He did a good job this weekend since we were both here to entertain. I'm anticipating it's going to take him a couple of months to get more used to this. Oh well, it looks like lots of trips to the playground and zoo in our future I guess. Good thing it will cool off soon (I hope!).
We're trying to transition him from the bottle to the cup and from baby food to more table food. He's not very impressed by the cup at all- hahaha! Just wait until he has to have milk instead of formula - oh boy! And we won't even talk about how much it gets on his nerves that I'm making him hold his cup. Mealtimes are not as quick and easy as they used to be. For food, he's doing okay. So far chicken pot pie and shepherd's pie are his favorites. Soup and vegetables for lunch and waffles for breakfast haven't been a big hit. He's ended up having yogurt those times to at least get some nutition. Given his size, though, we're not too worried about how much he eats - hahahaha.
He's still working on the 2 naps to 1 transition. He did a good job this weekend since we were both here to entertain. I'm anticipating it's going to take him a couple of months to get more used to this. Oh well, it looks like lots of trips to the playground and zoo in our future I guess. Good thing it will cool off soon (I hope!).
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Go Gamecocks!

It was an ugly win, but a win nonetheless! Thomas slept through most of the game - woo hoo! It was his longest nap ever in his life.... 2 hours and 25 minutes. It was much appreciated because though his cold is not really bothering him very much, what he's passed on to me is driving me crazy. Hopefully we'll all be healthy soon.
Thomas also invented a new game yesterday. He's lately decided that putting toys in boxes or trucks is fun. He then takes them out and throws them on the floor - also fun. Well, yesterday he decided that just putting them in the crib was a good idea. Maybe he's bored in the night and wants to play :-)

Thursday, October 9, 2008
Another Napping Change!
Good grief! Just when you think you've got it figured out - BAM! Today Thomas is still getting over his cold. He's congested and has lovingly shared it with both Tom and me so that we also have sore throats. Because of that and the 4 teeth he has coming in, he's waking up pretty early in the morning and is tired around that morning nap time. So, I've been putting him down the last two days. Yesterday was fine - he took 2 naps. Today, however, he took a morning nap and I woke him up after an hour like I always do. We played, etc. etc. had lunch and then I put him down for his afternoon nap. I thought two different times that he fell asleep, but NOPE! He stayed in his crib for almost an hour and a half. He laid around and then just sat up and played quietly. He whined maybe 3 times the whole time he was in there. Hmmmm......this nap transition thing is crazy. Since he had a grand total of one hour of naps today he was a very tired baby this evening. It's 6:50 pm and he's asleep - who knows what tomorrow brings?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Little Humility Please
So yesterday I was bragging that Thomas was handling this cold with no problem, he was napping great and he had slept for over 12 hours, not getting up until after 7:00 in the morning. Hahahahaha! This is what happens when you brag. He was awake sometime before our alarm clock went off this morning and was crying, ready to get out of the crib by 6:35 - snotty nose and all. Needless to say, he is currently taking a morning nap - the first one in a while.
Well, it's an adventure :-)
Well, it's an adventure :-)
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Feeling Better...Hopefully
Thomas has been under the weather for the past few days. Nothing major - runny nose and feeling a bit yucky. We've been doing a lot with other kids lately and they are all snotty and drooling ;-) He's feeling better this morning and had a long good night's sleep last night. Yesterday was not fun. He was more whiny than he's been in a while. I literally carried him around most of the day. When I put him down to do something he just cried.
He's still struggling with this going from two to one nap transition. He needs about 1 1/2 naps...2 is too many and 1 is not enough. We are hoping that it will work itself out in the next couple of weeks so Thomas feels better. In the meantime, we are thankful for the days he sleeps until 7 in the morning and he's still going to bed at 6:45 every night. He was soooooo tired all day yesterday. He fell asleep while he was eating lunch - I had to just pick him up out of the highchair and put him to bed for a nap. It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad - hahaha. Last night we put him in the crib about 6:45 and he was in dreamland before 7:00!
In more positive news, Thomas' teeth are so very cute. It cracks us up to see them everytime he grins. We're also being very careful not to say the word "slide" too much. We have to spell it instead, because if not he starts laughing and squealing and thinks that we are going to the playground.
He's still struggling with this going from two to one nap transition. He needs about 1 1/2 naps...2 is too many and 1 is not enough. We are hoping that it will work itself out in the next couple of weeks so Thomas feels better. In the meantime, we are thankful for the days he sleeps until 7 in the morning and he's still going to bed at 6:45 every night. He was soooooo tired all day yesterday. He fell asleep while he was eating lunch - I had to just pick him up out of the highchair and put him to bed for a nap. It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad - hahaha. Last night we put him in the crib about 6:45 and he was in dreamland before 7:00!
In more positive news, Thomas' teeth are so very cute. It cracks us up to see them everytime he grins. We're also being very careful not to say the word "slide" too much. We have to spell it instead, because if not he starts laughing and squealing and thinks that we are going to the playground.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Out and About

We've been out and about all week- the weather has been gorgeous! We went to Oakland Cemetery, the zoo, and the playground. Thomas loves the slides. He can go down the little ones by himself as long as I hold his hands. I put him on my lap for the big ones. The higher and faster, the louder he laughs! We are waiting right now for my friend Mimi to come over. We will take Thomas and her daughter Riley to the park for the morning to play together.
Thomas' naps are still strange. He can't decide if he wants 1 or 2. The other morning he laid on the floor at 8:45 so I put him in the crib and he took a great nap. He then went down in the afternoon for another great nap. The very next day it was only 1. Oh well. Eventually he'll go to one and from what all my friends tell me, just go with the flow and know that the transition is hard.
Thomas has 3 of his top 4 teeth and the other one is about to break through. He looks very cute!
In very exciting news, Thomas slept over 12 hours last night. He didn't get up until almost 7:30 this morning. CRAZY!
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