Thursday, November 26, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Just dip us in Purell
Lots of icky coughing and congestion 'round here! Tom has a sinus infection and is on antibiotics..... we hope he's the only one who will get this sick. The 3rd one of Thomas' little friends (and also a classmate at preschool) has been diagnosed with pneumonia. It's running rampant through these little ones. Thomas' cough is pretty minor right now, but we are becoming experts at what to look for!
In happier news, we enjoyed our visit with Lila for dinner yesterday....we empathize she was here in Atlanta for work and not still sightseeing in Ireland :-)
In happier news, we enjoyed our visit with Lila for dinner yesterday....we empathize she was here in Atlanta for work and not still sightseeing in Ireland :-)
Monday, November 16, 2009
Play Doh!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Lantern Walk
We had our Latern Walk at Thomas' school last night. We met in his classroom, had a story and some songs. We then took a walk (on the path they had made for us with candles in bags) in the park with our lanterns. It was very cute and sweet. We then went back to his classroom for a snack. Thomas had a good time and was very excited to see his little friends.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
End of the antibiotic
Two more doses of this wretched antibiotic. The doctor warned us that the diapers would be bad during the antibiotic time, but oh boy......poor Thomas. One night he couldn't even sit in the bathtub his little bottom was so red and sore. He has eaten so much yogurt over the past few days, and I can't imagine if this is supposed to help what it might be like without it. One more day, one more day, one more day. We go back next week for a check up to make sure the ears are all clear.
He is still loving school and really looks forward to going - we are so thankful. One of his teachers quit, but the one who has really been the mainstay and who we all love is still there. She's great and deserves a raise. This Saturday evening we have a Lantern Walk. The kids made lanterns and we meet at 6:00 in the classroom for a snack, songs, and then we all take a walk with their lanterns. Very cute.
In great news for me, when I put him down for his nap today Thomas said, "Mommy?" I said, "Yes?" He said, "Love you Mommy." Oh boy.....there's nothing like that!
He is still loving school and really looks forward to going - we are so thankful. One of his teachers quit, but the one who has really been the mainstay and who we all love is still there. She's great and deserves a raise. This Saturday evening we have a Lantern Walk. The kids made lanterns and we meet at 6:00 in the classroom for a snack, songs, and then we all take a walk with their lanterns. Very cute.
In great news for me, when I put him down for his nap today Thomas said, "Mommy?" I said, "Yes?" He said, "Love you Mommy." Oh boy.....there's nothing like that!
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Doing Well
Thomas is still doing well.....the antibiotics are working fine and he hasn't had to take Tylenol or Motrin since Friday. He really hates the's pretty gross. It's this thick liquid that apparently tastes awful. Tom took it back to CVS to have them put some flavor in it (someone told us they could do that). Even with the flavoring, it's no good. In the morning, he gets a big glass of juice after he takes it and at night he gets two little cookies. Bribery works just fine thank you!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Antibiotics + Motrin = sleeping through the night FINALLY! Well, he lost his rabbit one the floor at one point and I had to go retrieve it, but we won't really count that. Nobody was up with a fever, or crying, or worried.
We have a much happier little boy this morning.
We have a much happier little boy this morning.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thanks Trent and Amber!
This was the first few minutes after having this Birthday gift put together. Not much later he was drawing circles on the chalk board on the other side. The crayons are a part of a gift from Carol and they are triangular, which he now loves holding on the tip and spinning. This new game is just as much fun as drawing pictures. [This was before the 4 day (and counting) fever.]
Halloween in the Sick Room
Well, we are still quarantined around here. When the Tylenol or Motrin wears off, the fever goes back up. Yuck! We're headed back to the doctor in the morning if the night continues this same way.
We had a good visit with Thomas' Grandmommy and Granddaddy. Thomas is still saying, "Bye Bye Grandmommy, Bye Bye Grandaddy."
In happier news, Thomas felt better for a good part of the evening on Halloween so we dressed him up in his costume and took pictures.

We had a good visit with Thomas' Grandmommy and Granddaddy. Thomas is still saying, "Bye Bye Grandmommy, Bye Bye Grandaddy."
In happier news, Thomas felt better for a good part of the evening on Halloween so we dressed him up in his costume and took pictures.
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