Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 27, 2010

Tubes Back In

Thomas did great! Both tubes were replaced...the right one was just coming out so he was able to use the same hole as last time. The left one was completely out so he had to suction out the fluid that had accumulated behind his eardrum and make a new hole for the tube.

And so we begin again :)

He was completely hilarious waking up from anesthesia and had the recovery nurses cracking up. He told us "Good morning," when we got to the room and sat right up for some apple juice. They had warned us that he would be wobbly, and it was funny to watch. He held his cup crooked and we had to help him. Then he was drinking without hands - just holding the sippy cup in his mouth and tilting his head back. I almost took a sip of his juice to make sure that's all it was. On our way out he wanted to walk, so he led us, wobbly, crooked, strutting and carrying his juice. They were all in hysterics then! We decided that carrying him the rest of the way would be best.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Better Day

A much better day....up a few times last night, but today has been good. He actually napped again, and his appetite is better. He is back to directing us what to do and has very little interest in cuddling with me on the couch. Good news for feeling better, too bad for me that he's not snuggled up!

Right now he has trucks and trains scattered from the living room to his bedroom. He goes back and forth between the rooms at random times. Sometimes he narrates for them to us, sometimes a rogue truck will coming careening through the room. You never know.....

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Feeling Yucky

Poor little boy.....he is a little under the weather today. He started the day with a horrible nightmare about tigers and cheetahs and lions trying to get him. He was so scared he didn't even get out of bed - just screamed and cried. Tom got him calmed down and back to bed, but it only lasted a few minutes before he was screaming and crying again. He came to bed with us, but as we all know there was no more sleep.

He wasn't very hungry but ate breakfast eventually. About an hour later he threw it up all over the living room. He actually napped during nap time and just can't really eat today. Mostly he wants to lay around, periodically asking, "Mommy, can we just cuddle together?"

Okay, so even if he's feeling bad, I'll take it!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Where are the elves?

Wish we had video of him walking toward Santa. Elbows and shoulders pumping in the very determined march that we've all seen, he didn't even hesitate to climb right up there ...

and rattled off the list: HotWheels Track, a drum, big dinosaurs, and a Dinosaur Train book.
Parents standing and listening: check, check, check, and check. Whew!

While waiting to see "The Man", he got to decorate, and eat, a cookie.

And after, make his own necklace!

All the while, he kept asking where the elves where. We told him they were back at the workshop. "Is the workshop here? Where is the workshop?" At the North Pole. "Can we go there now?" It is very far away, we'll show you on your globe tomorrow. "That's where the elves are?"

This Past Weekend

Mommy: "That was pretty good."
Thomas: "Yeah, it's because I'm the smartest boy."
Mommy: "Who told you that?"
Thomas: "Daddy." problem with self-esteem here.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

You never know

Two things:

At dinner the other night Thomas said, "I don't like your nose." At least that's what I thought I heard. When I asked "what?", he said, "You know, no no no no no. I don't like your nos." Nice.

We saw the ENT today. Both tubes are coming out. Sigh. They are being replaced on December 27. Boo!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

I Love This Christmas Tree

Every morning when we plug it in.

Christmas is very cool with a little kid who is really excited about it!