Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whatcha Doin'?

Me: "Hey Thomas, What are you doing?"

Thomas: "I'm not takin' it hard, I'm just takin' it easy."

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Cautiously optimistic

Feeling hopeful........he was fever free all day today! He also used every word that he has not used, plus all of mine, plus all of Tom's by 8:30 this morning. I had to tell him to be quiet so I could brush his teeth and stop getting toothpaste all over his face. Whew - sounds like he's feeling better.

Sunday, June 26, 2011


It is 95 degrees everyday. We hide out in the A/C playing with trucks and trains.

Still, he manages to catch a virus.

Cough, cough, bathroom, bathroom. Fever. Cough, cough, cough.

Gifted I tell you - not many kids can pull off finding germs when we aren't around anyone and it's the middle of summer!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

A trip to the Zoo with Mommy

The traditional view, at the usual spot.
An attempt at stepping up in the world.
A little rest
Climbed on top!
Now who's got a monkey on their back?