It's a myth that our child is actually going to get teeth one day. Instead, he's going to drool, chew on everything in sight, squeal and whine! I got some Baby Orajel today and he cried because he hated the taste. Oh well, if it works, he can cry for a minute! Also, since I take care of another baby the same age, she decided that she is going to do the same thing on the same days. As you may or may not know, she's an amazing sleeper. She gets here, goes to sleep in 10 or 20 minutes and takes these 2 or 2 1/2 hour naps, only getting up to eat and play (for a total of about 2 hours awake). So, since Thomas is not feeling his best, she decided that today she would show me what she's made of. She needed to be rocked back to sleep in the middle of her nap, she needed me to go in and put in her pacifier about 10 times per nap and she and Thomas covered the house in drool. This is after her mom let me know she woke up every two hours last night! Thomas has decided to sleep less during the day, and his third nap is really short these days - not really giving him enough to get to bedtime happily, so he's a bit cranky at times. Putting him to bed earlier certainly works for the good mood thing, but since he averages 10 1/2-11 hours of sleep at night, we have to be careful he's not going down such that he's up at 6 am. It's more than 2 sleep deprived parents can take. Of course, every morning we go in and see that sweet smiling face and all is forgiven. Well, almost! See, these are the things they forgot to tell us!
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