So Thomas is a baby full of surprises. We put him down last night fully expecting tears and screaming because even though he was tired, he was really awake. He squirmed around for a little while and went to sleep. Not a tear was shed! We naively thought that our plan was working :-) At 4:40 this morning, we realized how foolish we really are. After 10 minutes of him not settling, we went in, changed his diaper and calmed him down. Tom then put him right back in the crib to work it out on his own. 45 MINUTES LATER he finally went to sleep. So, he is learning again how to do all of this on his own and we weren't pacing the floors with him in our arms....but, it's really good that I don't have to be anywhere until 10 this morning and that Tom wasn't planning on going anywhere early in the day.
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