Once upon a time, a Mommy and a Daddy heard about a wonderful place called Napland. Other parents claimed that their babies visited Napland for 2 hours at a time. Books written by wise doctors who don't actually have babies in their house also assured the Mommy and the Daddy that Napland visits were at least 2 hours long.
Thomas visited Napland, but rarely stayed longer than an hour. The Mommy and the Daddy thought he must not enjoy it very much there since he didn't want to stay longer. They tried explaining to Thomas that he would like Napland very much and would have a much better time if he tried to stay for 2 hours. Alas, he chose otherwise. He then decided that he would no longer visit Napland in the morning at all.
The Mommy and the Daddy noticed that since Thomas was visiting Napland only in the afternoon he was staying for 1 1/2 hours. That was doing okay they thought. Bedtimeland was a better place and Thomas was visiting there very early.
Today, Thomas decided that he would visit Napland for a little longer just to see what was going on there. He loved it! In fact, he stayed for 2 hours and 3 minutes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thomas, the Mommy and the Daddy were all very happy.
The End
Saturday, September 27, 2008
A Busy Week!
Whew! There's a lot going on around here. Thomas is about to get another tooth - his other front tooth. That will bring the grand total up to 5!
He's working hard on standing up without holding on and getting better every day. He's "walking" holding our hands, but isn't quite ready to do that on his own.
He has probably dropped his morning nap all together. Last week he had it a few days, but it made the afternoon nap pretty short. He has started sleeping later in the mornings, so we've just been getting out and about and coming back home for lunch and an hour and a half snooze that starts around 12:30 (that's as long as he can go until he passes out). It's a bit of a struggle during this transition, but he's doing great with it. Since he doesn't need to sleep in the morning, we've been able to go to playgroups and the playground and are planning on going to storytime at the library next week.
Thomas has been developing a strange habit of pushing his face against the glass in the bay windows. He likes to stand there and watch the world go by. I went outside to take a picture because it's funny and we can't wait to embarrass him with the photographic evidence when he grows up.
He's working hard on standing up without holding on and getting better every day. He's "walking" holding our hands, but isn't quite ready to do that on his own.
He has probably dropped his morning nap all together. Last week he had it a few days, but it made the afternoon nap pretty short. He has started sleeping later in the mornings, so we've just been getting out and about and coming back home for lunch and an hour and a half snooze that starts around 12:30 (that's as long as he can go until he passes out). It's a bit of a struggle during this transition, but he's doing great with it. Since he doesn't need to sleep in the morning, we've been able to go to playgroups and the playground and are planning on going to storytime at the library next week.
Thomas has been developing a strange habit of pushing his face against the glass in the bay windows. He likes to stand there and watch the world go by. I went outside to take a picture because it's funny and we can't wait to embarrass him with the photographic evidence when he grows up.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
eebee Books!
The people at Sterling Publishing were nice enough to share some Eebee books with us. We got three books from them. Thomas is in all kinds of heaven!
His favorites so far are Eebee's Peek-a-Boo and Eebee's Hug & Splash. The Peek-a-Boo book is cloth and is the perfect size for him to turn pages and lift scarves and hats to find Eebee. He needs some help to maneuver some of the fabric, but knows what to do and is quickly catching on. The Hug & Splash book is for the bath. You can imagine his delight when he discovered that Eebee got to come in the bathtub with him! There are places to squeak, water "shoots" out of the sponge and shower and Thomas can easily turn the pages. Both of these books are great.
The Have a Ball book is also a winner. A ball is attached on a string in this cloth book. Each page has a new adventure for Eebee and the ball. Thomas really enjoys the book, but can't handle this one on his own at all.
We are looking forward to reading the Laundry Time Adventure book, but haven't gone to buy it yet.
His favorites so far are Eebee's Peek-a-Boo and Eebee's Hug & Splash. The Peek-a-Boo book is cloth and is the perfect size for him to turn pages and lift scarves and hats to find Eebee. He needs some help to maneuver some of the fabric, but knows what to do and is quickly catching on. The Hug & Splash book is for the bath. You can imagine his delight when he discovered that Eebee got to come in the bathtub with him! There are places to squeak, water "shoots" out of the sponge and shower and Thomas can easily turn the pages. Both of these books are great.
The Have a Ball book is also a winner. A ball is attached on a string in this cloth book. Each page has a new adventure for Eebee and the ball. Thomas really enjoys the book, but can't handle this one on his own at all.
We are looking forward to reading the Laundry Time Adventure book, but haven't gone to buy it yet.

Monday, September 22, 2008
Is he or isn't he?
On Saturday, Thomas went down for his first nap, but for the first time since we got a nap schedule, never went to sleep. So after about 45 minutes we got him up and just put him down early for his second nap. We thought this was the beginning of the end of the 2 naps a day and that we were headed for the transition to the longer afternoon nap. Ha! Yesterday and today he's taken a morning and afternoon nap. In fact, he's asleep right now. I think it's the baby plot to keep us confused so that we always pay attention to them - hahahaha!
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Another Tooth
He's going to look a little crooked :-) The second tooth that came in is the side incisor beside the front tooth that came in the other day. The next one to come in should be the other front tooth, but we've got a while for that one. Whew....bring on the Tylenol!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
A Bad Review
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
A tooth!
One of Thomas' front teeth finally came through the gum! There are 3 more top teeth working their way out. One is probably coming in the next day or two and the other two are not quite ready. Thomas is enjoying his teething ring, Tylenol and Orajel more than ever.
We're practicing walking like crazy. He is on the go all the time and we spent part of yesterday walking up and down the sidewalk outside just for a change of pace. He's got it no problem holding both of my hands and is getting better at being able to do it holding only one. He doesn't love wearing shoes, but is getting used to it :-)
We're practicing walking like crazy. He is on the go all the time and we spent part of yesterday walking up and down the sidewalk outside just for a change of pace. He's got it no problem holding both of my hands and is getting better at being able to do it holding only one. He doesn't love wearing shoes, but is getting used to it :-)
Sunday, September 14, 2008
A Streak is Broken
We had made it from August 5 to last night with 0, yes zero, nil, nada, no night wakings. Alas! The streak is broken. At 4:20 this morning Thomas let us know our presence was requested. We suspect his teeth are getting the better of him :-( He has two trying to poke through right now and two more on the way down in his gums. Yuck. Fortunately for him and us, he did well with some Orajel, Tylenol, a quick diaper change and cuddling for a minute or two. We put him back in the crib and he went back to sleep pretty quickly (which meant we did too)! We are thankful the whole thing was less than half an hour...unlike the marathons in July!
Saturday, September 13, 2008
New toy and some new kicks
Friday, September 12, 2008
Baby Steps
Thomas took his first step today! He was standing at the bay windows, turned, let go and took a step to get to Tom. Of course we tried over and over for a repeat, but no luck. It was a complete accident on Thomas' part, but much fun for his parents.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Very Shy Tooth
Once upon a time there was a little boy who had a very shy tooth. This tooth lived in his top gums. It was so shy that it was afraid to come out and play. The very shy tooth caused great consternation and discomfort to the little boy. He had to cry a lot in the morning and produce great quantities of drool to try and drown the very shy tooth. King Orajel helped sometimes during the day and Queen Tyenol gave some relief at night. The little boy tried valiantly to get the very shy tooth to come and play, but the very shy tooth still hid in his house.
The very shy tooth is almost ready to come out and play. The little boy will be very happy and so will his Mommy and Daddy!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Two posts in one day...whew! I couldn't resist. Tom gave Thomas an empty paper towel roll and it turns out it's actually a sword.......too precious.


We don't watch a lot of TV with Thomas, but thought we'd check out our On Demand service to see if there were kids' shows that he would like. We've discovered Eebee....Thomas llllllooooooovvvvveeeesss it. There are lots of songs and dancing and babies playing. He's only seen the 10 minute free shows they have on TV. We're going to go to Target today to see if they have the DVD there. He won't know what hit him :-)
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Always Learning
It's so much fun watching Thomas learn and grow. He's trying lately to figure out how things go together. He realizes that his little toy shapes go into this truck in a certain way and he really wants to do it on his own.

He's still "walking" around holding on to our hands and is biting everything in sight since those slow top teeth just won't get here. Fortunately for all of us, he's handling it pretty well most days.

He's still "walking" around holding on to our hands and is biting everything in sight since those slow top teeth just won't get here. Fortunately for all of us, he's handling it pretty well most days.
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