We don't watch a lot of TV with Thomas, but thought we'd check out our On Demand service to see if there were kids' shows that he would like. We've discovered Eebee....Thomas llllllooooooovvvvveeeesss it. There are lots of songs and dancing and babies playing. He's only seen the 10 minute free shows they have on TV. We're going to go to Target today to see if they have the DVD there. He won't know what hit him :-)
Nor will you! Try Sesame Street!
Hi there,
I work with cofounder and creator of eebee and now that you've discovered eebee, I was wondering if you'd be interested in getting review copies of the new book series of eebee's adventures and posting a review for your readers?
As you might have discovered, the company’s mission is to help parents and babies transform everyday play and exploration into learning that lasts, providing ideas and tools that are catalysts for play. These new books reflect this approach and the philosophy that every baby learns by exploring his or her surroundings. The titles include:
· eebee’s Having a Ball Adventures: Babies will play around with some big ideas in this adventure: up, down, over, under, in, out . . . and my turn—your turn. This interactive book includes a soft, tethered ball, inviting babies to exercise social, motor, language, and thinking skills in games from catch with eebee to basketball.
· eebee’s Laundry Time Adventures: Babies will explore words, sounds, and textures; exercise fine-motor skills; play imaginatively . . . and get the laundry done. Interactive play activities include taking towels out of the laundry bag and putting them “into the washer”; spinning the peek-a-boo washing-machine wheel; hanging eebee’s pajamas on the line; and putting them away in the drawers.
· eebee’s Peek-a-Boo Adventures: Where’s eebee? On the cover of this book, open and close the curtains. Inside the book, look for eebee behind a silky purple scarf, inside a big, shiny raincoat, and behind a movable stack of soft blocks. From exploring textures to anticipating outcomes, there’s no hiding the opportunities for playful skill-building in this exciting search.
· eebee’s Hugs and Splash Adventures is a two-book set in which each book is also a game.
· All About Me & You is all about eebee’s body, and a baby’s body too. Fold-out the book-sized mirror to “look and play” along with eebee. Exercise your baby’s social, motor, language, and thinking skills, exploring the body from head to toe!
· Eebee’s Bath Time Adventure is sure to float a baby’s boat. Open the book and place it cover-up in the tub. Watch eebee float! Submerge the book to fill the squirter and then squeeze it for a gentle spray. Press eebee’s tummy—squeak—eebee’s all clean. As eebee takes a bath, every baby will play and learn with water.
The books are available in Barnes & Noble and independent bookstores and specialty stores. If you’d like samples, I’d be happy to have the publisher forward them to you. If you have any questions, I can be reached at the email below.
Rebeca Schiller
Flair Public Relations
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