Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All boy

Will post some pictures soon hopefully!

A description for you to picture.....

Little boy playing in the dirt, scooping sand, throwing it in the air, baseball cap on backwards. He's covered in bug spray because of the mosquitoes, so said dirt is stuck to him all over. He has also had an accident because he can't stop playing long enough to go to the bathroom. Huge grin on his very cute face.

Turns out the easiest thing was to just dunk him in the bathtub - and it wasn't even noon yet! the park yesterday there was no bathroom. Tom can't stop telling people his little boy peed in the trees!

1 comment:

Leah said...

Well, he certainly is a part of this family - potting in the pines! Ask Tom about it!!!!