Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


The boy is killing us sometimes! He has been fighting bedtime lately. When he naps, he can't fall asleep until too late, then he's overtired and wakes up earlier than normal. When he doesn't nap, he's no good in the late afternoon, but sleeps better at night. Sigh...

Yesterday was a good nap day. Last night, however, we had the mother of all tantrums. He was literally running in circles screaming, opening and then slamming his door. We would just walk him to his bed without talking, hoping that it would end soon. Finally he got quiet. I could hear him in his room and he wasn't in bed. I thought he was making a point that he wasn't in his bed so I left him and thought I could just pick him up off the floor when we went to bed.

Well, I was wrong. All of a sudden he starts screaming again and his door opens. There he is - NAKED screaming, "I'm a naked boy I'm a naked boy." He is running in circles, screaming, crying, snot and tears everywhere and he has on NO CLOTHES.

We go in his room, retrieve his pajamas from the laundry basket (at least he's neat when he goes psycho), wipe his face, put back on those pajamas and he gets in bed. Nobody speaks at all. He doesn't get up again and he doesn't cry any more.


1 comment:

Fetch said...

THIS will be a first or early memory. Just keep that in mind when you are reinforcing what a good and happy teenager he is. You guys are doing great - he'll be fine and I know you know that.