Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

18 Month Checkup

We got a good report from the pediatrician - Thomas is growing and developing just fine. He's slimming down, and remains a tall little boy (he gained only .2 lbs in the last 3 months, but grew almost an inch.

Weight 24.8 lbs. (35th percentile)
Height 33.2 in. (75th percentile)

Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New 'Do and Some New Kicks

Thomas got some new shoes since he's growing out of all his old ones. He also got a cute little boy haircut. So grown up.........

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Sharing Germs

So this cold is worse on us than him. He's still a little stuffy and snotty, but just hunts me down and sniffs his nose when he's ready for me to clear it out again - pretty funny actually! Tom's voice comes and goes and both of us are stuffy as well. The joys of germs......

We had a great time at a birthday party today. A friend's daughter turned 2 - Thomas was very cute and had a good time playing with the other kids. He charmed one of the grandfathers by sharing his last animal cracker. Thomas took the last animal cracker on his plate and handed it to Riley's grandfather. Riley's grandfather took a bite, told Thomas it was great and was holding the other half. Thomas took it and popped it in his mouth. Needless to say, we all cracked up.

Good times.

Monday, April 20, 2009

18 Months Old

Thomas is snotty and sneezy and a little out of sorts. He's picked up a little cold from somewhere. It's not too terrible, but pretty yucky and he's really tired of us wiping his nose :-)

Saturday, April 18, 2009

A couple more videos

A little time in the making, mostly waiting on the camera for me to get to them, here are a couple more videos that you might enjoy.  Some funny, some cute, some just to show a little bit of how he is these days ... mostly, funny and cute!

Yes, Daddy was making faces ... This reaction was not just because he liked the chicken.

Some other snippets from play and meal times.  A whole lot like a little boy!

Big Fun

We went to Piedmont Park today for the Dogwood Festival. We got there pretty early, looked around the artist's market, saw a puppet show and then had lunch in the grass. On the way back to the car, we walked near the lake and watched the ducks. It was gorgeous weather and Thomas had a good time. This afternoon while Tom tutored, Thomas and I visited the zoo. We rode the train and he was a hit! We all met back at home for dinner on the deck and then we walked down the street to the little store on the corner for ice cream.

Whew - I'm exhausted and Thomas is fast asleep!!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

and then there were 12

The last molar has broken through - hooray hooray hooray! We hope the growing in isn't as horrible for him.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter

Hope you are all having a very Happy Easter. We had a nice day around here. Thomas obliged our last day of the weekend by sleeping late...we were very appreciative. We had a great pancake breakfast and then this afternoon took a long walk, visited the historic cemetery in the neighborhood and watched the end of the Master's. Pretty nice day all around!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

A Very Picky Eater

We finally figured out how to get Thomas to eat all of his vegetables - make meatloaf and mac 'n cheese his other options! What a strange child - he refuses to eat mac 'n cheese, but ate all of his green beans and then wanted ours.

Sunday, April 5, 2009


I had to do another post today to prove that Thomas will actually eat something besides chicken nuggets and watermelon.


Sidewalk + toddler's head = Ouch!

If you click on the picture, you can see it up close.

It actually looks a lot better than we thought it would today and he was great....he's so happy it's not raining he'll take a few bumps and scrapes.