Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Field Trip

I was in charge of Thomas and Isiah at the Dekalb Farmer's Market today. Thomas first sat next to Damien on the bus ride there. They were all very sweet (well, isn't that what you are supposed to say?) and I'm really really glad I don't teach Pre-K.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Little brains can do a lot!

At dinner tonight:
Mommy: "Did you talk about things you were thankful for today in class?"
Thomas: "Yes"
M: "What did you tell them that you were thankful for?"
T: "Pumpkin pie and you (pointing to Tara) and you (pointing to Tom) and Gammie and Pop and Grandmommy."
M: "And were you also thinking about Grandaddy when you were saying that?"
T: "Yeah, I've been thinking about him a lot." [This is the point at which I had to excuse myself.]
M: "Yeah? What have you been thinking about Grandaddy?"
T: "That he was a great man ... and he was funny"
M: "He was funny and had silly jokes all the time. He was silly like Daddy is silly. What else do you think about him?"
T: "He did great things."

Sock the Vote!

Obviously, I'm a little behind in my posting.  This is from Election Day. 
Thomas' class has daily jobs.  When your job is 'Caboose', not only do you get to be in the back of the line (which Thomas loves!) but you also get to take the class "pet" home to spend the night.  The class pet is Socky, the Sock Monkey.  He comes with his own backpack full of clothes and a journal to keep track of all his adventures.  We had the great fortune of taking Socky to vote with us!

Waiting for our turn (but not very long!)
Helping to fill out the ballot.

Sending a message!

Friday, November 9, 2012

5 Year Check Up

40th percentile in weight
55th percentile in height

Great health all the way around.

And then there was the flu shot.

I'm pretty sure the people in the lobby thought someone was cutting his arm off with a dull saw.

Man that kid can shriek.