Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Recent videos

"5 Little Monkeys, swinging in the trees
teasing Mr. alligator 'You can't catch me!'
Along came Mr. Alligator, quiet as can be
and snapped that monkey right out of that tree!"
Learned this at school - just started singing it to us one day.

One of the Curious George episodes that he likes has some character, vexed with George, yelling "MonKEY". Thomas clearly think this, along with Daddy's reaction, very funny!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

All boy

Will post some pictures soon hopefully!

A description for you to picture.....

Little boy playing in the dirt, scooping sand, throwing it in the air, baseball cap on backwards. He's covered in bug spray because of the mosquitoes, so said dirt is stuck to him all over. He has also had an accident because he can't stop playing long enough to go to the bathroom. Huge grin on his very cute face.

Turns out the easiest thing was to just dunk him in the bathtub - and it wasn't even noon yet! the park yesterday there was no bathroom. Tom can't stop telling people his little boy peed in the trees!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Successful Outing

We went to the zoo today - accident free! Of course, I was so paranoid we went to every bathroom we passed :) He thought it was great fun and used almost all of them - hahahahaha

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy Still!

Doing well - Thomas is out of school for a couple of weeks and is keeping all of us busy. We had a nice visit with Gammie and Pop and he kept them laughing. My guess is they will be listening for the sound of running feet at 7:00 in the morning. Bittersweet when they aren't there - LOL!

Potty training still going well. Accidents here or there, but overall he's doing great. We've been out and about a little more this weekend and he did well. This week we'll branch out to a few more places to see how he does.

I don't know about you, but I'm really glad for the A/C today - 92 last I checked!

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Successful Training Weekend!

After all day Friday in Big Boy Underpants, Saturday morning went pretty well. He even Pooped in the Potty! Then we went to a friend's 2 yr old birthday party. He proudly announced to most any one who would listen that he Peed in the Potty (at someone else's house). Sunday went really really well! He went through the whole day in underpants, with only one accident before nap! And even that one was not terribly bad. After dinner, he Pooped in the Potty again (after telling us he was ready!!) and had one more little accident. Then just before bath he proudly modeled his Bert & Ernie underwear for Tara's parents. All in all - he's doing really well with it. We'll see ...

Friday, May 14, 2010

Something Funny this Way Comes

Thomas (or someone) has a funny sense of humor. On our first full day of no diapers, he didn't nap. Fortunately, he just stayed in his bed and tried to sleep for 2 hours. Needless to say, it took no time at all for him to go to sleep tonight.

Gotta go finish laundry - no diapers means lots of accidents.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Potty day 1

Today was Thomas' last day of school - we had a fun little picnic lunch with his class to celebrate. He has 2 weeks off before summer camp begins. Perfect time for potty training right?

We have been using pull ups for the last few days because he asked for them. This afternoon we put him in underwear for the first time. In 3 hours he used the potty about 4 times, had 2 accidents and asked to go 1 time. Who knew a little kid could pee so much?

All in all a successful day....his favorite thing to do is use the potty, go find Tom and say, "Daddy, I used the potty again, can you go crazy now?" Then, "Mommy, can you go crazy with us?" After that, there's much cheering and spinning and general chaos.

Whatever works.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


He's doing great.....excited, willing and could pretty much go on command today. We got some pull ups (at his request) on the way to school today. We used those today since he's still in school until tomorrow and he was thrilled! After nap tomorrow we will put him in the big boy underpants he helped pick out. We have two weeks until summer camp.

The fun begins........

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just like Jack!

We are headed to a garden birthday party this afternoon, so yesterday Thomas and I went to Lowe's to buy the little girl a present. We found a pretty pink bucket that is a daisy growing kit. It was really cute and we agreed to buy that. Well, actually, here's how the first conversation went.

Me: What should we get Elle for her birthday?
Thomas: A truck.
Me: I don't think Elle likes trucks.
Thomas: Hmmmm.......a digger?
Me: I don't think Elle likes trucks and diggers.
Thomas: .....(quiet)......(quiet)....... (He just remained speechless and confused that she wouldn't want a truck or digger for her birthday).

Back at Lowe's.....

As we were getting the bucket to put in our cart he noticed a green one with a beanstalk and asked, "What's that?" I told him it was a beanstalk. His eyes got really big and he said, "Just Like Jack?" Yep.....Jack and the Beanstalk!

I'm sure you can guess the ending.

We are growing a beanstalk at our house.

Don't even get me started on the watermelon in the cup.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

I know I'm biased, but......

Several of our playgroup have now had baby #2...and they are all itty bitty. Because of that, it's hard to go to the park, etc. for them right now. Fortunately, one person has a great backyard, a fence and a ton of outdoor toys and she had us all over this afternoon.

They are in the "mine mine mine" stage and so you never know what might happen. They also all love to talk now and so they are hilarious when they jabber to each other.

Off we go to meet our friends. First, I had to wake Thomas up from his nap because he was sleeping so much (!), then he was so pleasant about it (!), then he peed in the potty (4th day after nap!), then he didn't complain about sunscreen (!), then we got there and he was one of only two who never whined or had any kind of tantrum.....

I know I'm biased, but still......a pretty great kid!

Monday, May 3, 2010


About a year ago I was worried that Thomas didn't have enough words. Today, I said, "Shhhhh.....Mommy can't answer any more questions right now. I ran out of words."

Last night at dinner I found I still remember what we learned in our prenatal class about choking children. Thomas ate too many cucumbers too fast and choked. He went right back to eating after I turned him upside down, got the food out of his mouth and squeezed him until the rest came up. After my hands stopped shaking I could eat too.

It's an adventure!