Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Visiting the Fire Station

Much fun was had by all! This includes Tom who chaperoned this field trip to the Fire Station down the street from Thomas' school.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Heard in Pre-K

"Hocus Pocus, Now let's focus."

"You're in my face, that's MY space."


Wednesday, September 12, 2012


Thomas has some new found confidence and is playing with the other kids in a different way. He keeps getting hurt!

According to his teachers and him, the SpongeBob ice pack helped him feel better :)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Where is Thomas?

Thomas is not at his most charming. As I type this he is in time out yet again. Not in bed where he should be. I love when he goes through these times of refusing to do what we ask and getting out of bed over and over again - we learn all manner of patience and stamina.

I hope you read the intense sarcasm in that last sentence.

Good grief kid - bathe yourself, go to bed. How hard is this? This has been the routine since you were a tiny baby. Nothing has changed. N.O.T.H.I.N.G.

So clearly Tom has more patience than me. That's why he's doing the time out and I'm on the couch on the computer. I'm moral support - there's lower blood pressure for both of us that way.

It's not all on him I promise. I take my turn. Last night I did this routine of time out over and over again. Fun times on a holiday weekend!

This too shall pass. This too shall pass. This too shall pass.

In the meantime, he is sometimes still funny.

At dinner tonight he proclaimed,

A burp that comes out of your bottom. Well, that stands for a fart.

And there you have it. The state of this union.