Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

It's too early!

If your 4 year old enters your room at 5:25 AM, Mr. Rabbit in hand and loudly announces with a smile, "I had a very, very, very, very, very bad dream," I think he might not be completely honest.

Particularly because when I took him back to bed right away it was no problem.

Just sayin'.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Really? Really?

Thomas' bedroom door opens 20 minutes after we tucked him in and said good night.

I walk to the hallway to see what he is doing.

Thomas: "Um Mommy. I came out to ask you a question."

Me (attempting to sound calm): "What?"

Thomas (attempting to feign confusion): "Did you forget to tell me to not come out of my room tonight?"

Me (attempting less to sound calm): "I told you not to come out of your room tonight because the only way to see a TV show tomorrow is to stay in your bed."

No words, just the sound of a door slamming and a boy jumping back in his bed.

Really? Really?

School needs to start NOW - he is clearly not tired enough.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

A Dream

Thomas told us this morning that he had a crazy dream last night.

He said, "I had a crazy dream. Tiger Woods was playing golf in it. He didn't play well then either. But you don't have to say Oh Man because it was just a dream."

And there you have it!

Saturday, August 4, 2012

He talks a lot

Thomas and I went to the zoo yesterday with 3 other people - 2 co-workers and the almost 3 year old son of one of them.

At the gorilla habitat...

One of the gorillas started to pee. All the kids around were thrilled.

Thomas (NOT quietly): That gorilla is pee peeing out of her bottom. I don't do that. When I have to pee pee, I go out of my penis. Mommy pee pees out of her bottom.

My co-workers are now in hysterics.

Later on this same trip Thomas grabs himself so I think he needs to go to the bathroom.

Me: Thomas, let's go find a potty.

Thomas: I don't need to go to the potty.

Me: You are grabbing yourself, that makes me think you need to go.

Thomas: No, I'm just grabbing my penis for fun.

My co-workers are again in hysterics.

Good grief, who taught this kid to talk?