Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving pics

Some highlights for the boy!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving and pictures

Lovely Thanksgiving and great time in Sarasota. I'm glad to be out of the car :)

Also, we got some proofs from our "photo session" are some highlights

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

And There's More

Thomas was giving me a bit of a hard time about eating breakfast this morning. There had been a few other instances of him not following directions so I got on to him about how I needed him to follow directions.

Here is the end of the exchange.

Me (with a stern face and tone of voice): "I need you to follow directions. You are not making good choices this morning and that must change. When I tell you to do something, you are not allowed to whine or tell me no." Blah blah blah.

Thomas: "I don't love it when you do that."

Me: "When I do what?"

Thomas: "Talk and talk and talk and talk."

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!

Leah, you and Earl are right - skipping right to the teenage years.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

He Said What?

Thomas: If I keep following all the sleep rules, I can have Bob the Builder again.

Tom: Well, that's not why you aren't watching Bob the Builder. Mommy and Daddy don't really like that show.

Thomas: Well, I do. That means you don't have to watch it.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Always Surprising Us

Yesterday at a 4-way stop:

Thomas: S-T-O-P. That spells stop.
Me: "What?"
Thomas: S-T-O-P. That spells stop.


Of course, the punchline is that we were on the way to the pediatrician where he was diagnosed with yet another ear infection.

As soon as we are finished with this round of antibiotics we are headed back to the ENT where they will schedule us to have his tube put back in.

Today he is feeling much better. He wants to watch Finding Nemo....which he keeps calling Minnow.

Still a genius though!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Whatchu Talkin' Bout Willis?

It warms my heart that my child (who has no idea what a cool show that was) looked at me during lunch today and said, "Whatchu Talkin' Bout Willis?"


Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Hair Growing People"

Progress! The perfect gift for a growing 3 yr old boy. Grandmommy sent these - Gammie watered them and got them started, mommy keeps watering them, and Thomas and Daddy keep checking the progress. "What should we call them?" asked Daddy. "How 'bout Hair Growing People", said Thomas.

And That's a Fact

This is his ending after many of his longer stories.......

It never fails to crack us up!