Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, January 30, 2009

15 Month Checkup

24.6 lbs (52nd percentile) and 32.3 in. long (84th percentile). Good checkup - 2 shots unfortunately, but he did fine.

Thomas still has a runny nose today, but I'm more bothered by it than he is -hahaha. We are looking forward to the weekend and hoping that it's warm enough to be outside during some of it.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

He's Winning

Mostly because I'm losing :-) Thomas is feeling much better - still a runny nose and stuffed up in the morning, but overall better than he was. He's just about to cut another tooth on the bottom and he's learning to step up when he comes to a curb or something in his way. He's also completely about having 100% of our attention on whatever it is he's doing. If he doesn't get it, he'll pull every magazine out of the magazine rack or every book off the bookshelf by the computer. Today he went to time out 3 times before we went to the grocery store at 10 AM. The last time was for pushing the trash can over and watching all the garbage fly across the kitchen floor. I think I told many of you I couldn't wait for him to grow up and get mobile......sigh.......clearly I've lost my mind :-)

He's also completely charmed everyone at the Howard School. I'm working there 3 afternoons a week so he's with Tom 2 days from 4-5 and 1 day he has a babysitter at the school. She's a support teacher who watches him for an hour so I can work and Tom can go to a standing meeting. Thomas is like a little mascot and knows which rooms have the best toys. He heads straight for these with no worries at all.

We have our 15 month checkup tomorrow....we'll let you know.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Better and Better

Thomas is feeling much better today. He is hysterical every time I pull out the bulb syringe (or brainsucker as Tom referred to it) to clean out his nose, but that's nothing new :-) He's had a rough few days, but has been pretty good natured for the most part.

Very exciting vegetable news - he ate green beans on Saturday and carrots on Sunday. We couldn't believe fact, he ate all of the green beans on his plate so I had to keep giving him some from my plate. He tried mac n cheese and didn't spit it out, but wasn't loving it either. Crazy kid!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

More Yuck

Poor sick Thomas!  He's handling it better than we are :-)  He's a snot and drool factory.  It's not fair to have a cold and grow a tooth all at the same time. He's hanging in there and we are using a lot of hand sanitizer and Kleenex!

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Poor Thomas has picked up a cold from somewhere. Since we are at Howard School many afternoons for me to work, it's really no surprise! He's handling it pretty well, though I have to say that I much prefer for all this drool and snot to stay inside rather than outside like it is now :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

15 Months Old

I don't know about you, but I'm cold! We have spent a lot of time indoors these last few days. I'm definitely looking forward to being outside again - and not just running from the door of the house to the car, either.

Thomas is doing great - he had a great time visiting with Gammie and Pop this weekend at our house and continues to make us laugh over something every single day.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cool colors

It's a fun thing to see what it will look like when he wakes up in the morning :-)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

First Black Eye

Corner of Toddler Eye + Arm of Couch =

And another thing

I'm addicted to Facebook and I think Tom may soon resort to putting a password on the computer.  Hahahaha

6:00 AM is not a reasonable time to wake up

....especially if you scream so loud both your parents jump up from the bed!  Fortunately the screaming stopped, but there was no more sleep.  Poor little monkey.  It's hard to grow teeth :-)  

Thursday, January 8, 2009

He's famous!

Thomas and I are going to be famous. Soon you'll have to talk to his people and schedule lunch.

We went to Kroger today and they were filming a commercial. They asked us to be in it! I had to answer some questions on camera about why I like Kroger, etc. etc. and then they took some pictures of us. Who knows if we'll make it in the finished product, but they gave us a gift card and a good story to tell :-)

Maybe tomorrow he can get an agent.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Food on the Floor

I'm happy to report that we've had 2 days with no food on the floor (thrown from the wee one's very quick hands). I was much relieved at playgroup today to find out that everyone is dealing with this right now in some form or fashion. I'm hopeful that this little phase will pass soon and that he'll also start eating vegetables.

Or maybe flying pigs will bring me the winning lottery numbers :-)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Pics from a Holiday Party

These are from the Howard School holiday party. A friend took them and just sent them to us.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Back to Work

Tom went back to work this morning.....we are all sad to see the vacation come to an end.

Saturday, January 3, 2009


This kid is a maniac!  He has much better control of his walking these days and is into EVERYTHING!  We have spent the last couple of days realizing that he is capable of room destruction in less than 5 minutes.  Today the trashcan was a casualty and we were both in the same room with him.  Whew....I'm glad he's napping right now :-)

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Thomas was injured today in a dangerous stunt.  He attempted to dive off a chair while visiting some friends for New Year's Day brunch.  The stunt flopped and he landed on his head and then face.  He made it through with a scrape and a bump on his head and a scrape around his nose.  His lip is a little swollen, but he's doing fine :)  Tom was sitting next to him when he attempted the stunt - I'm not sure Tom has recovered as fully as Thomas!

Happy New Year to All.