Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, August 4, 2012

He talks a lot

Thomas and I went to the zoo yesterday with 3 other people - 2 co-workers and the almost 3 year old son of one of them.

At the gorilla habitat...

One of the gorillas started to pee. All the kids around were thrilled.

Thomas (NOT quietly): That gorilla is pee peeing out of her bottom. I don't do that. When I have to pee pee, I go out of my penis. Mommy pee pees out of her bottom.

My co-workers are now in hysterics.

Later on this same trip Thomas grabs himself so I think he needs to go to the bathroom.

Me: Thomas, let's go find a potty.

Thomas: I don't need to go to the potty.

Me: You are grabbing yourself, that makes me think you need to go.

Thomas: No, I'm just grabbing my penis for fun.

My co-workers are again in hysterics.

Good grief, who taught this kid to talk?

1 comment:

Leah said...

And you used to like the zoo! What a trip that was.