Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 20, 2013


As Thomas is going to bed tonight.

Thomas: .....and my dentist appointment in the morning.

Me: I rescheduled your appointment so that you won't miss any of water day at school tomorrow.

Thomas: Yes! Thank you Mommy.

We close the door and do our regular routine of yelling, "good night"

Thomas: Mommy, I'm going to give you 9 kisses.

So, I've learned a dentist appointment rescheduling to make sure he gets every minute of Pre-K Water Day = 9 kisses.

I have much to learn about this scale before he gets too old to want to kiss me.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Ah, yes, and lots more of that sort!
But lucky you - maybe hugs get added to the "scale."