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Friday, July 11, 2008

Feeling a Little Better

We had a really rough night last night. Thomas's temperature stayed high for a large part of the night. He couldn't stay asleep and woke up really upset after only about 30 minutes of sleeping. It would take 30 minutes to an hour of soothing to get him back to sleep and then we'd start again. This lasted until about 5:30 this morning and he was then able to sleep until 7:00. We saw the pediatrician at 8:30. She confirmed that it was something viral and that we should keep doing what we are doing. For us, she suggested patience and lots of coffee :-) The good news is that Thomas's temperature has stayed between 98 and 100 since this morning and he has eaten some food and had a good afternoon nap. He's not quite himself, but has been playing and laughing some rather than crying and moaning. We are glad he's feeling better and we plan to go to bed early tonight so that we can be ready for the next round of adventures!

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