Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, November 17, 2008

Busy Boy

Thomas stays on the go! He's walking better and better everyday and he got another tooth yesterday :-) He's talking up a storm and charmed some people at the zoo today with his pointing and jabbering at the animals. He's definitely a daddy's boy..he is thrilled every time Tom walks in the door - poor Tom will be in traction soon if this child doesn't start walking more-hahaha! Thomas is of course continuing to wake up during his naps several days a week and scream and cry before he can go back to sleep. This too shall pass....this too shall pass......this too shall pass.....

On a happier note, Here are some pics from the last week or so.

We built a tunnel in the continues to be a favorite place for hiding toys.

He loves the balloons at the grocery store so of course we had to tie it to his walker....big fun after dinner!

Tom was putting clothes in the dryer and Thomas couldn't get his face far enough in the pet door to get him.

Thomas got some new cute PJs!

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