Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Any day now

I'm hopeful this round of illness moves along a little faster than it has been. Fever was better yesterday until the evening, but has been around all day today. We're keeping it controlled with Tylenol and Motrin. After nap today it was about 102... took a little while to come down, but then he had a great late afternoon. He had more energy, a better mood and ate more than he has in almost a week. It was great to see our sweet little boy feeling better - hopefully we'll have some more of that again tomorrow. We need it- now Tom and I both have this cold and need to clean the house and pack for our trip to Columbia on Tuesday morning.

On another note bordering on giving too much information..... While we're thankful for the discovery of antibiotics and how they seem to cure his ear infection, 8 dirty diapers in one day is entirely too much.


Leah said...

So sorry to hear about Thomas again. Make it no fun for the fun part of Christmas celebrating.

Speaking of that, you probably won't get your gifts until you get back, as they were not leaving Lakeland until today.

Have a great time!!! We are going to Sarasota on Thursday morning.
One of these Christmas' you will hopefully get to Florida!

Unknown said...

Oh, i'm right there with Thomas! Been sick since Thu, sore throat, head cold, now in my chest ... Give him a big hug from Aunt Carol and tell him i know how he feels! (Though maybe not the dirty diaper part ...!) Have a safe and fun Christmas in SC. I'm with Mom; hopefully we'll get to have a Christmas together soon!