Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Feeling Better...Hopefully

Thomas has been under the weather for the past few days. Nothing major - runny nose and feeling a bit yucky. We've been doing a lot with other kids lately and they are all snotty and drooling ;-) He's feeling better this morning and had a long good night's sleep last night. Yesterday was not fun. He was more whiny than he's been in a while. I literally carried him around most of the day. When I put him down to do something he just cried.

He's still struggling with this going from two to one nap transition. He needs about 1 1/2 naps...2 is too many and 1 is not enough. We are hoping that it will work itself out in the next couple of weeks so Thomas feels better. In the meantime, we are thankful for the days he sleeps until 7 in the morning and he's still going to bed at 6:45 every night. He was soooooo tired all day yesterday. He fell asleep while he was eating lunch - I had to just pick him up out of the highchair and put him to bed for a nap. It would have been funny if it wasn't so sad - hahaha. Last night we put him in the crib about 6:45 and he was in dreamland before 7:00!

In more positive news, Thomas' teeth are so very cute. It cracks us up to see them everytime he grins. We're also being very careful not to say the word "slide" too much. We have to spell it instead, because if not he starts laughing and squealing and thinks that we are going to the playground.

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