Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A Successful Training Weekend!

After all day Friday in Big Boy Underpants, Saturday morning went pretty well. He even Pooped in the Potty! Then we went to a friend's 2 yr old birthday party. He proudly announced to most any one who would listen that he Peed in the Potty (at someone else's house). Sunday went really really well! He went through the whole day in underpants, with only one accident before nap! And even that one was not terribly bad. After dinner, he Pooped in the Potty again (after telling us he was ready!!) and had one more little accident. Then just before bath he proudly modeled his Bert & Ernie underwear for Tara's parents. All in all - he's doing really well with it. We'll see ...


Leah said...

As I recall, the process is NOT a long drwan out affair, it is generally over - the training that is - in about a week.
Have fun.

Tom Pittard said...

I hope you're right!! He is seeming to take to it pretty well -- I'm sure there will be accidents - but We'd really love for it to be quick!